14th September 2024
Kirklands Community Centre, Menston
Open for entries 10am - 11.30am
Entries £1 for adults, 50p for children or £5 for unlimited entries.
Show opens 2pm - 4.30pm
Admission £1 for adults. Children and show entrants free.
About Menston Village Show
The annual Menston Village Show is a celebration of our fantastic village as the whole community comes together to share their talents!
Happening at Kirklands Community Centre in the heart of Menston every September, local growers and crafters will showcase their fruit, veg, produce, flower arrangements, photographs, crafts and more! Whether you want join in or just fancy coming along to check out the winning entries, you're sure to have a fabulous time.

Enter now
Entries for the 2024 village show are now open.
Whether you're a keen crafter, a brilliant baker or you have a vegetable patch that's the envy of your neighbourhood, you'll find a class to suit your talents here at Menston Village Show.
We also have a range of children's classes to enter, including handicrafts, photography and more! Why not gather the whole family and have fun working on your 2024 entries?
You can register your entry either online or by filling out a paper form on the day - just make sure you arrive between 10am - 11.30am on the day of the show to submit your entry! Entries cost £1 for adults and 50p for children or you can opt for unlimited entries for just £5, all payable on the day of the event.
Huge thanks to our 2024 gold sponsors

Chris Steele

Menston Parish Council

We would also like to extend our thanks to our silver and bronze sponsors

Very special thanks to our local businesses for kind donations to our tombola and raffle at previous shows:
Actiform, Adele (Hairdresser), Altea Hair Salon, A Smile For Life Dentist, Aspire To Be, Bodyfix Physio, Charles Hair At No. 3, Cohens Chemist, Cutaway, David Moorhouse Garden Services, Dogs Body Grooming, Diva (Hairdresser), Elan Beauty, Henderson & Cooper, High Trees Garden Centre, Home Instead, Ian Howe (Handyman), ILS Integrated Laboratory Services, JCT600, Keith Bonney Accountants, LabCentral.co.uk, Malt Shovel, Manor Coating Systems, Menston Arms, Menston Health Centre, Menston Spice, Menstone Club, Menston Pottery, Nuffield Gym, Parmley Graham, Pickards Deli, Reflexology At Home, Ribston Pippin Estate Agents, Rideaway Taxis, Shipley Glen Tramway, The Studio Menston, The Pantry, Simon Roberts, Smallprint, Stephen Smith's Garden Centre, Swincar Nursery, The Fox Inn, The Pantry, The Post Office, Village News, Waites Funeral Directors, Wetherby Whaler Restaurant.